March 17, 2023

Spring Cleaning Tips for Your Vehicle

Spring Cleaning Tips for Your Vehicle


As the gloom of winter dissipates and that spring sun begins to shine a bit longer in the day, life emerges. And so does the evidence of winter’s wear and tear on our car — a season full of frantically entering and exiting front and rear seats amongst ice and rain and even snow. Food wrappers strewn about, as well as particles of what they wrapped; dirt, grime, and scuff marks around doors and covering floor mats. Then there’s the exterior: dirt and mold holding tightly to that original paint, a coating of white, salty fog from hood to trunk. 


It’s time to get clean. 


A dirty car induces stress. We spend enough time in these machines for such a thing to happen. The atmosphere, combined with the present performance, of our vehicles sets a tone — one that should definitely be respected. Stepping into a musty, dirty car is no way to start your day. It’s no way to end it either. Get your car and your life in order by starting with a fresh cleaning, and if it’s been some time since this has been done, we have a few crucial tips for getting and keeping that car spotless.  

1. Do the first wash of the season by hand. A quick run through the carwash is tempting but not the best way to start your spring rejuvenation. This first wash of the season is foundational — the wash from which all others will be built. A computer with a hose can’t get in all those nooks and crannies of your car’s exterior. You have to get in there with a little elbow grease and a bucket full of soap. (Quick Tip: use a sponge for washing, and use a microfiber towel for drying your car, leaving no streaks behind!)


Once you finish washing, throw on a coat of wax. This is important because a clean car  with a fresh coat of wax will repel dirt and grime well, especially if you give it a quick rinse with the hose every few days.

2. Now, the interior. Do the obviously needed tasks first: take out the floor mats and vacuum and wash them; gather and disregard wrappers and garbage from the car. Don’t forget the trunk and glove compartment! 


But, before vacuuming your interior, make your way around those hard-to-reach points in your car with a tiny brush — one that can get into those areas where dust likes to gather. It may feel silly at first, taking that little brush and hitting the seemingly endless crevices, but the result is a thing of beauty. Once complete, give the interior a vacuuming, and a shampooing if needed. 


Whether you’re working on cleaning your car’s interior or exterior, all the small steps you take that might seem needless or silly at the moment add up. They’ll show the level of attention spent on getting your car detailed the proper way. 

3. Get organized. Trash bags, seat protectors, phone chargers — there are thousands of effective things to help keep you connected and organized while driving. But what is really needed? Here is a brief list and descriptions of some of our favorite organizational accessories:

Windshield Sun Shade. A quality, thick sun blocker is a must-have. Though it might not keep you organized, it will keep you cool. Simply unfold and stick it up on the front windshield to maintain your car’s interior temperature. These are easy to store and just as easy to use — a no-brainer!


Contour Liner Floormats. Time to say goodbye to your ragged and worn cloth floormats and replace them with high-performance rubber ones. There are a number of companies that make these, and they’re usually tested for extreme conditions to ensure they don’t crack or warp. The rubberized material is perfectly formed to fit in the front and back of any make or model of vehicle.  


Seat Gap Organizer. Tired of losing papers and crumbs to that void of nothingness between your car seats? A seat gap filler sits inside the void and serves as a pocket to hold and catch anything that finds its way there. This is a great idea for storage as well as cleanliness. In the waterproof filler, you can store keys, cards, cash, chargers, phones — literally anything you would in a small bag.  


Memory Foam Seat Cushion. Due to its durable nature and extra comfort, memory foam serves as a perfect seat cushion. Whether on long or short trips, a foam cushion can adjust its firmness depending on the amount of heat generated from your body. Using it is also a good way to support your upper and lower back. 


Interior Auto Hooks. Car hooks can be used to hand purses and other bags, hats, etc. in random areas inside your vehicle. A well-organized car equates to a much smoother, enjoyable ride. Without items getting lost in the mess and/or rolling around the vehicle as you’re moving, auto hooks turn a headrest or any other accessible area into a clean, organized space.  


Waterproof Trashcan. Sure, you can bring a cheap grocery bag with you as a trashcan, but what about when trash items leak? A waterproof (we suggest a 2.0-gallon capacity) will do well to keep your car rid of unwanted wrappers, cans, and food particles.