May 31, 2024

Beware the Bumper Sticker: The Hidden Dangers of Personal Expression on Your Vehicle


Bumper stickers are a popular way for individuals to express their personalities, beliefs, affiliations, and sense of humor. They can turn an ordinary vehicle into a moving canvas of personal pride and advocacy. That said, while these colorful decals might seem like a harmless way to share your passions and affiliations with the world, they can also pose significant risks. Displaying certain types of bumper stickers can inadvertently expose you and your family to dangers, making you an easy target for various types of crime and unwanted attention.

The Appeal of Bumper Stickers

Bumper stickers are ultimately a form of personal expression. They help drivers communicate their support for political candidates, their love for specific sports teams, their alma maters, and even their family structures. Stickers like "Proud Parent of an Honor Student" or "I Love My Dog" show what we care about and create a sense of community and belonging. For many of us, these stickers are a fun, creative outlet for making our vehicle unique.

The Risks of Over-Sharing

Despite the positive aspects, bumper stickers can provide more information than one might realize. Here are some specific examples of how stickers can potentially make you and your family vulnerable:

1. Family Stickers

Stickers that depict family members, often including their hobbies or interests, can be particularly revealing. Take, for instance, a sticker showing a family of four with two children engaged in different activities (like a girl with ballet shoes and a boy with a baseball bat). That provides critical information about the number of children you have and their interests. Strangers may feel more confident approaching your kids with specific, personalized information.

2. School and Extracurricular Activities

Stickers that display the schools your children attend or their involvement in sports teams can be risky. They indicate where your kids spend a significant amount of time and suggest specific times and locations where they can be found, such as after-school practices or games. Individuals with malicious intent can easily misuse such information.

3. Political and Ideological Statements

Political bumper stickers can spark unwanted confrontations, especially in highly polarized environments. Showcasing strong political opinions can attract hostility or vandalism from those with opposing views. And this risk isn't confined to election seasons; ideological stickers can provoke responses at any time.

4. Military Affiliations

Stickers indicating military service, such as "Proud Army Mom" or "U.S. Navy Veteran," can be a double-edged sword. While they showcase admirable dedication and service, they can also signal to criminals that the vehicle owner could be deployed or away from home. As such, their residence could become an easier target for burglary.

5. Travel and Adventure Stickers

Stickers that highlight your love for travel or specific vacation spots can suggest that you often leave your home unattended, presenting an opportunity for thieves. Stickers like "I'd Rather Be Hiking" or "Gone Fishing" can inadvertently indicate your frequent absences. That’s not something you want lots of strangers to know!

The Psychological Aspect

Criminals and other malicious individuals often seek the easiest target. Bumper stickers can provide a wealth of information about your lifestyle, habits, and routines that enable potential violators to tailor their approach. For example, a sticker indicating a single parent's home can suggest a less secure environment. In contrast, stickers showing a strong family or community affiliation might deter some, but not all, ill-intentioned people.

Protecting Yourself and Your Loved Ones

Awareness is the first step in mitigating these risks. Here are some strategies for balancing personal expression with safety:


     Limit personal information. Consider the content of your bumper stickers carefully. Avoid stickers that provide specific details about your family, such as the number of kids or their interests. Opt for more general expressions of pride or hobbies that do not reveal personal information.

     Be cautious with location-specific stickers. While it's tempting to show off your child’s school or your favorite vacation spot, remember that these can give away details about your routine and whereabouts. If you must display them, consider how someone with malicious intent might perceive them.

     Consider removable magnets instead of permanent stickers. That way, you can display your interests when you feel safe but can easily remove them if you're in a potentially risky area or situation.

     Use discretion with political and ideological statements. Understand your environment and the potential for adverse reactions. If you live or travel in regions with opposing views, it could be prudent to keep them off your vehicle!

     Stay updated on local crime trends. Being informed about the types of crimes in your area can help you make better decisions about the information you showcase on your vehicle. Local law enforcement agencies often provide updates on crime trends and tips for staying safe.

Final Thoughts

Bumper stickers are a fun and expressive way to share a piece of yourself with the world, but it’s crucial to be mindful of the information they convey. Be strategic about the stickers you choose and understand the potential risks to protect yourself and your loved ones while still enjoying the personal expression of bumper stickers. A little caution can go a long way in ensuring your safety and peace of mind in an age where personal information is increasingly valuable.

For more tips and fun ways to enhance your new Toyota check with the professionals at Mount Airy Toyota Mount Airy Toyota located at 508 N Andy Griffith Pkwy. • Mount Airy, NC 27030!


March 17, 2023

Spring Cleaning Tips for Your Vehicle

Spring Cleaning Tips for Your Vehicle


As the gloom of winter dissipates and that spring sun begins to shine a bit longer in the day, life emerges. And so does the evidence of winter’s wear and tear on our car — a season full of frantically entering and exiting front and rear seats amongst ice and rain and even snow. Food wrappers strewn about, as well as particles of what they wrapped; dirt, grime, and scuff marks around doors and covering floor mats. Then there’s the exterior: dirt and mold holding tightly to that original paint, a coating of white, salty fog from hood to trunk. 


It’s time to get clean. 


A dirty car induces stress. We spend enough time in these machines for such a thing to happen. The atmosphere, combined with the present performance, of our vehicles sets a tone — one that should definitely be respected. Stepping into a musty, dirty car is no way to start your day. It’s no way to end it either. Get your car and your life in order by starting with a fresh cleaning, and if it’s been some time since this has been done, we have a few crucial tips for getting and keeping that car spotless.  

1. Do the first wash of the season by hand. A quick run through the carwash is tempting but not the best way to start your spring rejuvenation. This first wash of the season is foundational — the wash from which all others will be built. A computer with a hose can’t get in all those nooks and crannies of your car’s exterior. You have to get in there with a little elbow grease and a bucket full of soap. (Quick Tip: use a sponge for washing, and use a microfiber towel for drying your car, leaving no streaks behind!)


Once you finish washing, throw on a coat of wax. This is important because a clean car  with a fresh coat of wax will repel dirt and grime well, especially if you give it a quick rinse with the hose every few days.

2. Now, the interior. Do the obviously needed tasks first: take out the floor mats and vacuum and wash them; gather and disregard wrappers and garbage from the car. Don’t forget the trunk and glove compartment! 


But, before vacuuming your interior, make your way around those hard-to-reach points in your car with a tiny brush — one that can get into those areas where dust likes to gather. It may feel silly at first, taking that little brush and hitting the seemingly endless crevices, but the result is a thing of beauty. Once complete, give the interior a vacuuming, and a shampooing if needed. 


Whether you’re working on cleaning your car’s interior or exterior, all the small steps you take that might seem needless or silly at the moment add up. They’ll show the level of attention spent on getting your car detailed the proper way. 

3. Get organized. Trash bags, seat protectors, phone chargers — there are thousands of effective things to help keep you connected and organized while driving. But what is really needed? Here is a brief list and descriptions of some of our favorite organizational accessories:

Windshield Sun Shade. A quality, thick sun blocker is a must-have. Though it might not keep you organized, it will keep you cool. Simply unfold and stick it up on the front windshield to maintain your car’s interior temperature. These are easy to store and just as easy to use — a no-brainer!


Contour Liner Floormats. Time to say goodbye to your ragged and worn cloth floormats and replace them with high-performance rubber ones. There are a number of companies that make these, and they’re usually tested for extreme conditions to ensure they don’t crack or warp. The rubberized material is perfectly formed to fit in the front and back of any make or model of vehicle.  


Seat Gap Organizer. Tired of losing papers and crumbs to that void of nothingness between your car seats? A seat gap filler sits inside the void and serves as a pocket to hold and catch anything that finds its way there. This is a great idea for storage as well as cleanliness. In the waterproof filler, you can store keys, cards, cash, chargers, phones — literally anything you would in a small bag.  


Memory Foam Seat Cushion. Due to its durable nature and extra comfort, memory foam serves as a perfect seat cushion. Whether on long or short trips, a foam cushion can adjust its firmness depending on the amount of heat generated from your body. Using it is also a good way to support your upper and lower back. 


Interior Auto Hooks. Car hooks can be used to hand purses and other bags, hats, etc. in random areas inside your vehicle. A well-organized car equates to a much smoother, enjoyable ride. Without items getting lost in the mess and/or rolling around the vehicle as you’re moving, auto hooks turn a headrest or any other accessible area into a clean, organized space.  


Waterproof Trashcan. Sure, you can bring a cheap grocery bag with you as a trashcan, but what about when trash items leak? A waterproof (we suggest a 2.0-gallon capacity) will do well to keep your car rid of unwanted wrappers, cans, and food particles. 


November 29, 2022

Will You Go With Vroom or Hushhh? Electric or Gas? Which Car To Select?


It’s no secret that the market for electric vehicles is growing exponentially, with no sign of slowing down any time soon. The once-considered niche electric vehicle is now at a place where many brands are investing millions of dollars to improve and expand on the concept. With those recent innovations in electric vehicles, you may be at a crossroads when choosing between electricity or gas for your next ride. 


The Power of Sound

Sound might be one of the best indicators of the difference between an EV and a gas-powered car. The roaring “vroom” of a gasoline motor has become an expected sensation of personal transportation, leading some car enthusiasts to equate that noise with the power or performance of a vehicle. 


That association can paint some unfair notions about electric cars, who trade that loud “vroom” for a soft “hushhh.” While early electric vehicles had less power than their gasoline counterparts, sound has little to do with performance today. If anything, a powerful model like Toyota’s Tundra Pro iForce Hybrid is more impressive for competing with the toughest gasoline-powered vehicles, with less noise. 


To be clear, sound isn’t a barrier to the performance of electric vehicles, but the brand sure can be. If you’re sold on entering the future with an electric vehicle, look no further than Toyota. 


Toyota has long been the automotive leader in EVs, working to produce a high-performing electric vehicle long before its competitors. The Toyota Prius is the best example, with its status as the world’s first widely produced electric vehicle. While the Prius was once a pioneer, it now stands out as a trailblazer for its improvements on the EV and has become a beloved and widely recognized model. Other newer Toyota EVs and hybrids continue to build on that history, resulting in several truly impressive and powerful EV vehicles. 


Where To Charge?


Anywhere you look, you’re likely to see an electric Toyota that’s improving on the very foundation of personal transportation. However, before you make the jump into the EV world, you may have some hesitations related to charging stations. 


Historically, one of the biggest barriers for electric vehicle owners was the lack of infrastructure to keep their rides charged and on the road. Gas stations are everywhere in America; knowing where electric chargers are, and if they are expanding, is vital if you join the electric vehicle family. 


There’s some good news related to this electric expansion —


“On Aug. 1 the NC Department of Transportation published its deployment plan to expand on the existing 2,655 charging ports, and this acceleration will provide $39.4 million toward that process.” – WNCT9


That investment is happening in tandem with municipal-led and private-sector efforts to further build out the electric charging infrastructure across North Carolina. Some experts predict an exponential growth of charging locations and existing maps support those claims.


Governments aren’t just keen on investing in charging locations; they also want to ensure electric vehicle owners are aware of where they are. The federal government rolled out a database accompanied with maps that show charging locations near you, which you can access here. You might be surprised at the volume of locations near Mount Airy Toyota!


Now that you know that the historical barriers that kept EVs at bay are fading away (and fast), there’s no better time to visit Mount Airy Toyota and see which EV works for you and your family. Don’t let something like sound keep you out of a vehicle of the future. Schedule an appointment with Mount Airy Toyota today to see why Toyota’s electric vehicles are a clear choice. 

Author:  Jon Dalton George, CCP Web Design Staff Writer

August 23, 2021

Save Yourself from Costly Repairs—Get Your Vehicle Serviced!

Service Centers Mount Airy NC

 You don’t want your car to break down. And you don’t want to find out that you have to fork out money for an expensive repair that you weren’t budgeting for. 

But unfortunately, this can easily happen if you don’t take the necessary precautions. By scheduling vehicle service and knowing what signs to look for, you can prevent minor issues from progressing into major, costly ones by scheduling vehicle service and knowing what signs to look for. 

So, how do you know when it’s time to bring your vehicle in? Below, Mount Airy Toyota explains when to have your brakes checked, change your windshield wipers, get an inspection, and more!


When Should I Get My Brakes Checked? 

Generally speaking, it’s best practice to bring your car in for service at least once a year, and that includes having the brakes inspected. But if you notice signs of brake problems in the meantime, you don’t want to wait before getting them checked.

Perhaps the most common indicator that you have a brake problem is if you hear grinding, thumping, or squealing noises while applying your brakes. But there are many other signs to consider, such as:

  • An oily, yellow-like substance leaking from under your vehicle.
  • Vibration or pulsing from your brake pedal.
  • Vibration throughout other components (such as the steering wheel) or the entire car.
  • Sudden pulls of the steering wheel to the left or right when you apply the brakes.
  • Less resistance when applying the brakes, leaving the need to push the brakes harder.
  • An increase in distance needed to come to a complete stop.
  • The smell of burning rubber when applying the brakes. 

Besides bringing your vehicle in for annual servicing and looking out for signs of brake issues, most automakers and mechanics suggest replacing brake fluid every two years (or 30,000 miles). And your brake pads should be replaced every 20,000 to 60,000 miles, depending on your driving style and the quality of the pads. 


When Should I Change My Windshield Wipers?  

Your windshield wipers are critical for staying safe on the road. But it’s probably not something you think much about unless your wipers go bad! It’s best to plan on replacing your wipers every six months to a year, but you should replace them immediately if you notice them becoming ineffective. 

The whole point of wipers is to clear rain, snow, and other substances from your windshield so that you can maintain proper visibility. If your wipers aren’t performing that basic function, then it’s a good indicator that it’s time for a replacement! And this applies if your wipers start to streak, split, skip, or squeak as well. 

It’s also a good idea to regularly inspect the wipers themselves. If there is a broken frame, cracks or tears in the rubber, limited flexibility in the squeegee, or corrosion on the metal parts, it’s time for a replacement. Using higher quality windshield wipers will typically mean that you need to replace them less often than if you use cheaper ones. 


How Often Do I Need an Inspection?  

For most Americans, car inspections are just part of being a car owner. Most states require you to have regular inspections in order to register a new vehicle or renew your registration. In North Carolina, your car must pass a statewide safety inspection each year. During this inspection, your mechanic will assess the vital components of your vehicle to ensure it is drivable and safe for the road. 

There is no statewide emissions law in North Carolina, but 22 counties require registered vehicles to pass an emissions inspection each year. The emissions inspection is usually performed in conjunction with the safety inspection. 


Other Signs Your Vehicle Needs Servicing  

Along with watching out for brake and windshield wiper issues, there are many other ways your vehicle can tell you if there’s a problem. For example, squealing noises could indicate a loose or worn-out timing belt, as could a whining sound under the hood. Inconsistent engine noises could mean that you need to have your engine inspected. And if you hear scraping sounds, you might have loose car parts rubbing together. Moreover, a grinding or crunching noise when shifting gears could be a sign of a transmission problem. 



You don’t want to wait until it’s too late. Bring your vehicle in for servicing and inspection at least once a year. And if you notice any signs of a problem with your brakes, windshield wipers, or any other components of your car, address the concerns immediately. At Mount Airy Toyota, we offer full service on any and all Toyota models. Don’t hesitate to contact our team for any of your servicing needs!

May 17, 2021

The 2021 GR Supra Brings the Heat This Summer

 2021 Toyota Supra

After disappearing for 21 years, the Toyota Supra made a much-anticipated comeback for the 2020 model year. To say it was well-received would be an understatement. Despite criticism from some enthusiasts about Toyota’s partnership with BMW, the 2020 GR Supra exceeded expectations. And given that it’s one of the most iconic Japanese nameplates of all time, that’s saying something.

Only a year after its introduction, the GR Supra retains the curvaceous bodywork and in-your-face styling elements that are sure to draw a crowd. But it has undergone a slew of significant changes that make the venerable sports car even more impressive than it was. 

The 2021 GR Supra has dialed up the horsepower on its turbocharged 3.0-liter inline-six from 335 to 382. A four-cylinder model joins the lineup, as does the special edition A91, which boasts a wealth of distinctive interior and exterior appearance items. 

We’re just getting started. Summer’s right around the corner, which means it’s time to talk about sports cars. And no other car is a better fit for welcoming the rising temperatures than the 2021 GR Supra. Below, Mount Airy Toyota digs into some of the most commonly-asked questions about the modern version of the legendary coupe: 


What’s the GR Supra’s Connection With BMW? 

The current generation of Supra was first introduced in 2014 as the FT-1 Concept. To bring the idea to fruition, Toyota needed a partner. Thus, the GR Supra shares a platform, running gear, engine, gearbox, and many interior elements with the BMW Z4. The partnership is all about economics, as it has been with other partnerships in the past. In the end, it shows that Toyota would do anything to bring back the Supra in full glory. 

The Supra remains prominent in the history of Japanese car culture, contending with models like the Nissan GT-R and Honda NSX. Toyota president Akio Toyoda, who also happens to be a sports car enthusiast, described the Supra as “an old friend that holds a special place in my heart.” So, when Toyota realized that there was a missing piece in their dreams of a Supra rebirth, it’s no surprise that it looked for ways to rectify the situation. 

Here was the predicament:

The straight-six layout was one of the most crucial components of the legendary Supra. If the Supra were to reemerge, it would have to use that layout. However, Toyota doesn’t build those anymore. And taking on that task wasn’t viable. Chief Engineer Tetsuya Tada implied that reproducing the straight-six layout would require an all-new engine design plus an entire engine plant. And since BMW is one of the only carmakers that manufactures the layout, they were the best option for moving forward. 

The teams from Toyota and BMW collaborated on a prototype nicknamed Fullrunner, which was essentially a 2 Series Coupe with a shortened wheelbase. The boards from each automaker drove the prototype and approved it. From that point on, each team developed their cars separately. 


How Has the GR Supra Improved Since Last Year? 

It was hard to see much room for improvement in the 2020 GR Supra, but Toyota somehow stepped up its game for the 2021 model year. And by the way, the world’s largest automaker has laid out an ambitious roadmap for the Supra’s development. So, we’re likely to see some significant changes with each coming year. For now, we’ll focus on the 2021 GR Supra 3.0 trim, as it arguably provides the most bang for the buck. 


The B58 Engine

When the GR Supra was introduced, many performance aficionados had a problem: It ran on the same turbocharged B58 straight-six engine as the BMW Z4. Yet, the Supra only produced 335 HP and 365 pound-feet of torque, significantly less than the most potent version of the engine found in the Z4 M40i.

This problem has been resolved. The 2021 GR Supra 3.0 puts out 382 horses and 368 lb-ft of torque (matching the Z4 M40i). Plus, the 3.0-liter engine now comes with new pistons to go with a refreshed cylinder head and exhaust manifold design. You can hit peak horsepower from 5,800 rpm (an 800-rev bump from last year’s model) to 6,500 rpm, and the redline comes in at 7,000. The Supra’s 0-60 has improved from 4.1 to 3.9 seconds, and the speed is still capped at 155 mph via an electronic limiter. 

The best sports cars are the ones that provide balanced performance. Yes, sheer power is essential, but it’s not enough. Toyota knows this, which is why it worked hard on ensuring the Supra’s chassis could match the engine’s increased potency. 

There’s more structural rigidity on the 2021 GR Supra; the strut towers are tied to the radiator support via aluminum braces. There are new bump spots on the front and rear. And the damper tuning has received a revision. Moreover, the electronic power steering, active rear differential, and stability control are powered by upgraded software. 


Behind the Wheel

Turbocharged engines are known for their lack of eagerness in the upper rpm ranges, and Toyota revised the B58 with that in mind. When driving the latest GR Supra 3.0, the changes to the beefed-up engine are instantly noticeable. On open roads, the Supra seldom feels short of breath, and it delivers impressive power in both the upper and lower rpm registers. 

Another obvious quality is the powerful sound of the exhaust. Boy, is it loud and awesome, especially when you engage Sport Mode. Along with making the Supra sound like the commanding sports car that it is, the Sport button modifies several parameters, including throttle sensitivity, transmission behavior, and damper stiffness. 

The 2021 GR Supra is the most sure-footed version of the nameplate yet. The handling composure is even better than last year’s model, and overall ride quality remains stellar. Michelin Pilot Super Sport tires help to keep the rear end in check around corners. All and all, thrill-seekers and daily commuters alike can drive the new Supra 3.0 with confidence. And the now-standard 8.8-inch infotainment display (up from the previous 6.5-inch screen) and Apple CarPlay integration are a nice touch.  


Which GR Supra Trim is Best? 

The 2021 GR Supra is available in four trim levels. Make no mistake—with any model you choose, you’ll be getting a sexy, powerful, world-class sports car. But that doesn’t mean you don’t have your needs and preferences. Let’s take a look at some key differences between the Supra trims, as well as how they stack up against a few competitors:


GR Supra 2.0  

As the first-ever four-cylinder model in the lineup, the base 2021 GR Supra 2.0 gives consumers a slightly more practical option. More than 200 pounds are dropped from the car, in part thanks to the turbocharged 2.0-liter engine. This model is the most fuel-efficient at 25/32 mpg city/highway, compared to the 22/20 mpg rating of the 3.0-liter straight-six. That may not be a drastic difference, but it leaves the Supra 2.0 more efficient than the base Porsche 718 Cayman Coupe (also a four-cylinder). 

Fuel economy is also aided by an undertray that provides greater downforce and aerodynamic efficiency. Other standard features on the Supra 2.0 include 18-inch wheels, a rear spoiler, auto-leveling headlights, and LED taillights. Inside, drivers will enjoy the 8.8-inch LCD infotainment screen and 8.8-inch LCD gauge cluster display. This model offers plenty of standard safety technologies as well, including automatic high beams, automatic emergency braking with pedestrian detection, lane departure warning, and automatic rain-sensing windshield wipers. 

Sure, the Supra 2.0 isn’t the most powerful model in the lineup. But the four-cylinder still pushes 255 horses, which beats out other turbo-fours like the Lexus RC300 coupe and BMW 230i. Plus, the $44,000 price tag is quite attractive. 


GR Supra 3.0 

Dollar for dollar, the 2021 GR Supra 3.0 is hard to beat as a sports car. The 3.0-liter turbo straight-six engine offers one of the highest outputs (382 hp) in the rear-wheel-drive premium sports coupe class. The Infiniti Q60 Red Sport 400 and Porsche 718 Cayman GTS 4.0 edge out the Supra 3.0 in horses, with 400 and 394, respectively. But the Supra 3.0 makes up the difference in fuel efficiency. 

There’s a significant upgrade in standard fare with the GR Supra 3.0. In place of the base model’s single-piston calipers, the 3.0 gets a Brembo front brake upgrade with four-piston units. There’s also an adaptive variable suspension, engine bay chassis braces, and 13.7-inch rotors (instead of 13.0-inch rotors). The Supra 3.0 rides on 19-inch wheels and boasts brushed stainless steel exhaust tips. It also gets a 10-speaker audio system and 14-way adjustable front seats. 

The GR Supra 3.0 comes in at about $52,000. The eight-cylinder versions of the Chevrolet Camaro, Dodge Challenger, and Ford Mustang start at lower prices, but the Supra 3.0 offers more standard performance features.


GR Supra 3.0 Premium

The GR Supra 3.0 Premium adds a decent amount of goodies to the base 3.0. It gets a color head-up display, as well as heated black leather front seats in place of the Alcantara and leather-trimmed seats found in the lower trims. A 12-speaker JBL audio system, wireless charging, and Apple CarPlay compatibility come standard. And an exterior finish exclusive to the 3.0 Premium, called “Phantom”, is available along with the six other Supra colors. 

The Supra 3.0 Premium starts at around $55,000. The tech and seat upgrades, and perhaps even the exclusive exterior color, are enough to make the $3,500 increase from the standard 3.0 worth it to some drivers. 


GR Supra A91

Capped at 1,000 units, the 2021 GR Supra A91 is a special edition that is an identical mechanical match to the 3.0 Premium, save the head-up display. The charm of the A91 lies in its aesthetic upgrades. The rear carbon spoiler gets a black satin finish, and in place of the lower trims’ matte black side mirrors are carbon-fiber heated mirrors that automatically fold. The A91 also offers an exclusive blue exterior color (“Refraction”), as well as “Nocturnal” black graphics. To finish, black and blue leather adorns the seats and interior. This is the perfect collector’s car, and it’s only a $305 hop from the 3.0 Premium. 


The Verdict 

The 2021 GR Supra is a legend reborn. But it’s even more than that—it’s a stunning sports car that offers a composed, confident, and all-out thrilling drive through and through. While there are other capable RWD sports coupes in the same price bracket, the GR Supra simply offers more standard content to go with its one-of-a-kind design and overall appeal. 

All things considered, the 3.0 model remains our choice as the modern Supra most likely to become a classic. But only you know which one you were born to drive! If you would like to learn more about the 2021 GR Supra models on our lot or schedule a test drive, call Mount Airy Toyota today! (336) 786-2118.

April 20, 2021

How the 2021 Toyota Venza Limited Stacks Up Against the 2021 Volvo XC90

 2021 Toyota Venza in Mounr Airy

In 2015, Toyota discontinued the Venza. Now, it’s back and better than ever. Though the price doesn’t reflect it, the 2021 Venza Limited emits grandeur from the inside out. Toyota has coined the term “Elegance elevated” to sum up the reborn SUV, and we couldn’t agree more. In a segment that includes more than enough crossovers, the Venza shatters the competition in efficiency and reliability, and it holds its own in appearance, comfort, and technology.

If you’re in the market for a midsize SUV, you’ll likely check out quite a few makes and models before making your decision. We’ve done some of the work for you. Below, we’ve compared the 2021 Toyota Venza Limited with the 2021 Volvo XC90—a vehicle considered to be one of the nicest luxury SUVs available. Let’s see how the Venza stacks up:


2021 Toyota Venza Limited 

The 2021 Venza Limited isn’t technically in the luxury segment, but someone forgot to tell Toyota that during the designing process. Here’s the skinny on this two-row beauty:



All Venza models are hybrids, which is something that can’t be said for any of the other automakers in the midsize SUV class. The powertrain consists of a 2.5-liter four-cylinder gas engine combined with three electric motors. Together, you get 219 horsepower. 

That may not sound like a lot of power, but the Venza gives you more oomph than expected, especially considering the impressive off-the-line acceleration from the electric motors. The engine setup is matched with a continuously variable automatic transmission, and all-wheel-drive is standard. All and all, the Venza provides a smooth and even ride that would rival any luxury SUV.


Fuel Economy

No competitor comes close to the Venza when it comes to fuel efficiency. Rated at 40 mpg in the city, 37 mpg on the highway, and 39 mpg combined, the Venza even doubles many competitors. 



The interior of the Venza is something to behold, particularly the Limited grade. It will comfortably seat four adults, as it offers plenty of leg- and headroom in both rows. It technically seats five people, but there’s a drivetrain hump in the floor in front of the middle seat, which may compromise comfort for a six-footer. 

The cabin itself is exquisite. It’s clear that Toyota had no intentions of making the Venza Limited sporty; instead, it whispers luxury with its SofTex seats to go with soft-touch surfaces and woodlike trim on the center console. Brown piping runs along the doors and dash, which adds an upscale aesthetic. 



The 2021 Venza Limited offers no shortage of the latest tech available to car buyers. Coming standard is a 12.3-inch touchscreen display to go with the Entune infotainment system and in-dash navigation. You will also get Apple CarPlay, Android Auto, and Amazon Alexa connectivity, Bluetooth, and SiriusXM satellite radio. 

The Venza Limited comes standard with Toyota’s Safety Sense 2.0, which is an industry-leading suite of safety technologies. A few of the many features include lane-departure warning with lane-keeping assist, automated braking with pedestrian detection, and adaptive cruise control. 


2021 Volvo XC90 

There’s no getting around the fact that the 2021 Volvo XC90 is a nice vehicle. Let’s discuss what it has to offer in terms of performance, fuel economy, interior, and technology:



Every XC90 model comes with a 2.0-liter turbo four-cylinder engine. The base Momentum pairs a 250-hp turbocharged engine with front-wheel-drive, while a 316-hp supercharged version with all-wheel-drive is available. An eight-speed automatic transmission comes with both engines. 


Fuel Economy

The 2021 XC90 achieves about the same fuel economy as most of its competitors. The turbo engine provides 21 mpg city and 30 mpg highway, while the supercharged version drops to 19 mpg city and 28 mpg highway. 



The interior is perhaps where the XC90 shines brightest. A clean, attractive design is matched with quality materials, and the three-row SUV provides seating for seven passengers unless you opt for captain’s chairs in the second row, which brings it to six passengers. A wide and boxy frame lends a considerable amount of cargo space. 



All XC90 trims come standard with Volvo’s Sensus infotainment system and a nine-inch tablet like touchscreen that allows you to tap, pinch, and swipe for controls. Apple CarPlay and Android Auto capability is standard as well.

Like Toyota, Volvo is known for prioritizing safety in the design of its vehicles. Not surprisingly, the XC90 provides many standard safety features, including forward-collision warning, lane-departure warning, and blind-spot monitoring. 


The Bottom Line 

When it comes to value, this is no competition: The 2021 Venza Limited simply offers more for the money. Starting at $39,800, the Venza Limited looks and feels like it belongs in the luxury market, and drivers won’t be missing out on comfort, technology, or safety. Also, the Venza naturally comes with unparalleled efficiency and reliability. 

The XC90 is a respectable SUV with an attractive design, and it too offers plenty of safety features. If you need a larger SUV, the XC90 is a good choice, as long as you are willing to pay anywhere from $49,695 and $77,395 as a starting price. 

After a six-year absence, the Toyota Venza has returned. And Mount Airy Toyota is the place to come if you want to get your hands on one. Be sure to give us a call or come by our dealership to discuss details!

April 14, 2021

2021 4Runner vs. 2021 Bronco: Which One’s Really Better?

 2021 Toyota 4Runner in North Carolina

There’s been a lot of hype around the all-new Ford Bronco since its reveal last summer. Discontinued nearly 25 years ago, the rugged midsize SUV has been reborn for the 2021 model year. It’s a good-looking vehicle, no doubt. It has a removable roof and doors. It comes available with 35-inch tires. It offers excellent off-road capabilities. It’s novel and it’s cool. 

But is the 2021 Bronco more than the hype? Is it poised to become a fierce competitor in its class? Well, there’s no better way to determine where the Bronco stands than to compare it to the most unshakable force in the midsize SUV segment. We’re talking, of course, of the venerable, ever-reliable Toyota 4Runner. 

The 4Runner has been a stalwart for both off-road enthusiasts and daily commuters for decades. Superb performance, reliability, and many other factors make it hard to beat as a midsize SUV. So, what happens when the 2021 4Runner and 2021 Bronco go head-to-head? Let’s compare the two so that you can decide for yourself which vehicle deserves the most praise:



We’ll start with the legend that is the Toyota 4Runner. Here’s some information and highlights that you can expect from the 2021 models:

The Gist

Until the emergence of the new Bronco, the 4Runner didn’t have much serious competition in terms of midsize SUVs for off-roading purposes. The Jeep Wrangler is a competitor, but as capable off the beaten path as it may be, it doesn’t measure up to the 4Runner in any other category. It’s smaller, not as practical for everyday life, and isn’t anywhere near as reliable. 

Unlike many other rugged SUVs on the market, the 4Runner rides on an independent front suspension and a solid rear axle. It still runs on a 4.0-liter V6 engine that produces 270 horses and 278 pound-feet of torque, along with a five-speed transmission. Buyers can opt for rear-, front-, or all-wheel-drive. While it has been criticized for having an outdated powertrain, there’s no denying that the 4Runner provides outstanding performance, including a towing capacity of 5,000 pounds, which beats out most of the competition. 

Some may say that the Toyota 4Runner is a conservative choice as an off-road vehicle. After all, it doesn’t come with some of the flashy extras offered by competitors like the Ford Bronco. But no other SUV has been more tested—and is more trusted—by active people who seek a vehicle that can get the job done either on or off the road. And as always, the 2021 4Runner gives buyers industry-leading reliability. 

New for 2021

Though it hasn’t undergone a full redesign in more than a decade, Toyota has made some notable upgrades for the 2021 model year. A new exterior color called Lunar Rock is available on the TRD Pro trim; you may have first seen this pale gray-green hue on the 2019 RAV4 Adventure. Other TRD Pro upgrades include retuned shocks and newly-designed black TRD wheels that wear Nitto Terra Grappler tires. LED headlights now come standard on all 4Runner models.

Furthermore, Toyota has introduced a new trim to the 2021 4Runner lineup. The Trail Edition, of which there supposedly will only be 4,000 produced, is based on the SR5 trim. It comes with 17-inch dark gray TRD wheels and black badges on the exterior. Black seats with tan stitching and all-weather floor mats are added to the interior. 

Notable Features 

The 4Runner isn’t known for being the most digital or tech-savvy vehicle on the market. So, don’t expect a Tesla when you hop into the driver’s seat. That said, it offers plenty of features that enable it to maintain its stellar reputation as a killer off-road machine. 

The TRD Off-Road, Venture, and TRD Pro models all come standard with Toyota’s Crawl Control and Multi-Terrain Select systems, which are controlled through dials on the overhead console. These models are also equipped with Toyota’s Active Traction Control (A-TRAC) system, additional skid plates, and a locking rear differential. Moreover, the Kinetic Dynamic Suspension System (KDSS)—which is a sway bar system that automatically disconnects and allows for more wheel travel—comes standard on the TRD Off-Road and Venture models. Fox and TRD co-branded internal bypass shock absorbers are added to the TRD Pro. 

Another feature worth noting is the 4Runner’s ground clearance of 9.6-inches. Combined with its high approach and departure angles, this allows for the SUV to navigate up and over sizeable obstacles with ease. You can also expect responsive steering and brakes to help you stay safe on or off the road. 



The all-new Ford Bronco definitely has some features to offer buyers. It resembles vintage Bronco models in appearance and comes with some industry-first technologies, among other qualities. Let’s dive a little deeper into what we know about this SUV:

The Gist

You may have noticed that the 2021 Ford Bronco has been marketed quite heavily since last year. It is, after all, a big deal when a classic vehicle has been discontinued for decades and then reborn. The new Bronco comes in two- and four-door configurations, both of which have a removable roof and doors. Like the 4Runner (and unlike the Wrangler), it uses an independent front suspension. 

The Bronco has been built with off-roading in mind. Thus, drivers can expect a bevy of off-road features and capabilities to go with attractive retro aesthetics. However, the Bronco also includes a number of novel technologies, such as Ford’s fourth-generation infotainment system (Sync) and tons of accessories. 

For all intents and purposes, it looks like Ford is positioning “Bronco” to be a subbrand of its larger lineup of vehicles. The manufacturer has announced that it will soon release the “Bronco Sport”—a lighter-duty SUV based on the Ford Escape. 

New for 2021

Everything about the Bronco is new. It’s built on an updated version of Ford’s midsize truck platform, which will also be used on the next generation of Rangers. The Bronco shares a base powertrain with the Ranger, including a 2.3-liter EcoBoost inline-four rated at 270 hp and 310 lb-ft of torque. Optional is a 2.7-liter EcoBoost six-cylinder engine that’s good for 310 hp and 400 lb-ft of torque; this engine can be found on the F-150 XLT as well. 

A 10-speed automatic transmission pairs with both engines, but you can opt for a six-speed manual on the base model. Also available is a low crawler gear, which is designed to assist in certain off-roading situations where more wheel torque is needed. 

Notable Features 

There are six different trim levels for the 2021 Bronco. Off-road enthusiasts will best be served by the Black Diamond, Badlands, or Wildtrak trim. Impressive underbody protection, a locking rear differential, and low-range gearing come standard on the Black Diamond. More drive modes and other off-road features are added as you go up to the Badlands and Wildtrak trims. 

As previously mentioned, all Bronco models have a removable roof and doors. You can conveniently store the doors in the cargo area, though doing so reduces room for other storage considerably. Three different tops are available: a soft top, a basic hardtop, and a high-end hardtop that offers more configurations. 

There’s a fair share of safety features that come with the 2021 Bronco, and the infotainment system works with most off-road navigation services. This can prove quite useful for drivers who regularly go off the grid. Finally, there’s a “Sasquatch Pack” available that includes 17-inch beadlock-compatible wheels, 35-inch mud tires, locking front and rear- differentials, a specially-tuned Bilstein suspension, oversized fender flares, an electromechanical transfer case, and more. The package comes standard on the Wildtrak trim and above, and it’s optional on all the others. 



Both the 2021 Toyota 4Runner and 2021 Ford Bronco have plenty to offer off-road enthusiasts. Whether you’re navigating tight trails, crawling rock shelves, or experiencing almost any other kind of off-road situation, these vehicles will provide similar performances. 

The Bronco may have a slight advantage when it comes to the uber-technical scenarios, thanks to its geometry and off-road hardware. Nonetheless, both models are excellent for adventure-seeking, and both can be customized however you would like. By 2022, more than 200 Bronco accessories will be launched by Ford. And since the 4Runner has been around for so long, you won’t have any problem finding a slew of aftermarket accessories to choose from. 


The Toyota 4Runner hasn’t been redesigned in 12 years, and it lacks some of the comfort technologies found in other SUVs. Besides that, there’s really nothing not to like about the 4Runner. As with other Toyota vehicles, the 2021 4Runner sits atop its class for reliability and overall quality. People who buy a 4Runner know what they’re getting: an attractive SUV that you can count on, even if that means it takes a beating for you. And by the way, there are years of data to prove how much a 4Runner will hold its value.

The 4Runner also offers less vibration, noise, and harshness in the cabin, much of which can be attributed to the fixed roof and doors. This can go a long way in making the ride more comfortable, whether you’re on your way to work or twisting through the road less taken. Moreover, it can still be difficult to get your hands on a 2021 Bronco, as they are making their way to dealers slowly. On the other hand, you can drive off in a 2021 4Runner from Mount Airy Toyota today!


Perhaps the best part about the 2021 Ford Bronco is that it’s brand new, and it comes with all the shine and intrigue offered by novelty. Naturally, this means that it has many of the most up-to-date features you can have in an SUV, including a powerful and efficient powertrain, the latest software, and advanced off-road and safety technology. 

Also, there’s no getting around the fact that the Bronco is an exceptionally attractive vehicle. Ford has managed to design a fresh, modern vehicle that incorporates styling from the original Bronco. The result is a rugged midsize SUV that offers just enough retro touches. And let’s not forget the removable roof and doors, which are pretty cool. 



The 2021 Ford Bronco is one of the newest models on the market today, so it inevitably comes with a cool factor attached. But there are other reasons why the Bronco warrants excitement. It’s an attractive SUV with lots of features and configurations to satisfy any off-road enthusiast. 

That said, it’s hard to deny the prowess of the 2021 Toyota 4Runner. It too provides plenty of off-road features of its own to go with a longstanding reputation for class-leading reliability, quality, and resale value. And the comfortable cabin can make for a more enjoyable driving experience from day to day. 

All things considered, it seems clear that the 2021 Toyota forerunner is the better buy. If you would like to see it for yourself, don’t hesitate to contact Mount Airy Toyota to schedule a test drive, and remember to check out our wide selection of 4Runners on our website!

March 24, 2021

Toyota is Going Electric!

 Electric Vehicles in Mount Airy

Though the adoption of all-electric vehicles has been rather slow over the years, forward-thinking car companies like Toyota are making the pivot to e-vehicles because they understand the only reason car drivers are tip-toeing towards the idea of driving electric is because it’s a new concept, but once the benefits to driving electric catch on, it will be a massive hit. 


Over the recent years, there has been a push for car companies to create electric versions of our favorite makes and models. Why go electric? For starters, you can save a ton of money on fuel and maintenance by driving an electric vehicle. On top of that, it looks as though electric vehicles are the future of driving because they are better for the environment, much cheaper on fuel, and require much less maintenance. 

Just imagine having only one thing to take care of with your car—keeping it charged. No gas, no grimy oil changes, no multi-speed transmission. Kind of difficult to imagine, isn’t it? But in due time, it will be a reality. 

Anytime new technology is introduced, people become wary of it, especially when that technology is to replace something we have grown accustomed to using, like a gas-powered, oil-slugging machine. We don’t like change, even when that change is for the better.

Car manufacturers such as Toyota know change is inevitable, which is why they are gearing up to engage in the electric-vehicle phenomena. Toyota actually has plans to introduce a family of electric vehicles by 2025, with the first of them to be revealed in 2021!


Toyota’s All-Electric Crossovers 

It’s true, Toyota does have plans to reveal an entire family of e-vehicles, and it’s also true that the first of those will be revealed this year. The e-TNGA ( which is aptly named after the modular architecture of the electrical system used) will be an all-electric SUV crossover. This will be Toyota’s first e-vehicle to be released in the U.S. and Toyota enthusiasts are very excited to actually touch and drive the company’s impressive new vehicle.

Unfortunately, we don’t know a lot about Toyota’s release of the new all-electric vehicles, since the car company is keeping a lot of the details about them close to the vest—for instance, the company has only released a simple silhouette of one of the vehicles.  

The silhouette Toyota has let slip out to the public doesn’t give much away, except we can tell that it is the e-TNGA and that it will be a rather squatted, sleek, and cool looking vehicle. We also know that Toyota chose to use the e-TNGA framework (this framework has been used for a number of Toyota vehicles, namely hybrids) because it is so versatile. The electric crossover will have a dual motor, an all-wheel-drive powertrain, and a modular battery pack.

Toyota has big aspirations for their new line of e-vehicles, as they plan to sell 5.5 million electric vehicles every year by 2025. There’s no denying it, electric cars are here, and they are only going to become more prevalent.

Toyota has plans for an entire family or fleet of all-electric vehicles to be fully unleashed by 2025. This is the venerated car company’s first big move towards electric, but it’s no real surprise. For years, Toyota has been making and releasing all-electric transportation devices (scooters and micro-cars, mostly) in Japan. It’s clear the company has been playing with and perfecting electric motors on all sorts of levels for some time, and it’s very exciting to think about what will be coming from them in the future.

Until we get Toyota’s new EV vehicles, Mount Airy Toyota has plenty of new and used Prius model options on our lot. Have a look at these great deals:

  • New 2020 Toyota Prius Limited 5 FWD. MSRP: $33,880. Our price: $32,776
  • Pre-owned 2016 Toyota Prius 5 DR, Car FWD. Our price: $16,995
  • New 2021 Toyota Prius LE 5 FWD. Our price: $27, 816

And we have plenty more! Come visit us at Mount Airy Toyota, or visit us online, today.

December 22, 2020

End of Year Savings: Get Your Best Price on a New Vehicle Now


Rarely is buying a vehicle a simple, straightforward process. Usually, it involves a significant amount of research, deciding between a bevy of models, and determining how to work it in your budget while saving as much money as possible.

One factor that many consumers consider is when to buy a car. After all, there is a lot of information out there that suggests the optimal times for walking into a dealership, broken down by days of the week, months, holidays, and more. Though it’s hard to predict what kind of price you’ll get at any given time, there’s one stretch of time that proves to be a great time to buy a new vehicle: the end of the year. 

Indeed, if you decide to make your big purchase as the year comes to a close, chances are pretty good that you’ll find at least some decent deals and probably some great ones. Of course, you don’t want to rush into a decision only to drive away in a vehicle that you later regret purchasing. Below, we’ll get into what makes the end of the year such a good time to buy a car, as well as some practical advice for ensuring it’s the right time for you.


Buying at End of the Calendar Year

As previously, mentioned, there are several times throughout the year when you can consistently find deals and incentives for a new vehicle. The end of any given month is often the best time to visit a dealership, especially if you get a salesperson who has yet to meet their quota for the month. This could leave them more likely to make a deal with you. As far as which months to buy a vehicle, October, November, and December are the best. This is because dealerships are trying to make room for new inventory of cars from the next model year. Plus, in November, you have Black Friday. Just like with retailers, this can be a big holiday for dealership sales and promotions.

By the time December comes around, the stage is set for a perfect storm of savings. Monthly, quarterly, and yearly quotas must be met by salespeople. And dealerships are more eager to move vehicles from the previous model year to stock their lots with the newest models available. And New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day are bound to see some significant discounts. 


Buying at the End of the Model Year 

Indeed, one of the biggest advantages you have when shopping for a vehicle at the end of the calendar year is that dealerships are trying to make room for new stock. This means that they may be more willing to offer deep discounts on cars that are at the end of their model year. Not only can you score a great price on a new vehicle this way, but manufacturers often provide other incentives on outgoing model year vehicles to get them off dealer lots. These incentives could include anything from 0% interest to cashback offers to good lease deals. 

The opportunities for savings at the end of a model year hold true whether or not the vehicle you are purchasing has undergone any significant design changes for the new model year. Dealers always find it easier to sell “next year’s model.” This is excellent news for you, as long as you don’t care about having the upgrades offered by next year’s model. After all, you’re still getting a brand-new vehicle!


Making Sure It’s the Right Decision 

No matter how good of a deal you get on a new car, you want it to be the right financial decision for you and your family. Preparation is key here. You need to know your credit score so that you can estimate what kind of loan you will be able to get; loans with 0% interest, for example, are typically only available to buyers with good credit. You’ll also need to have a clear understanding of your overall financial standing so that you choose a vehicle and loan that you can afford in the long run. If you haven’t had the chance to prepare your finances, consider holding off until next year. 

The end of the year is truly a great time to buy a new vehicle. Consider the benefits, and look over your finances so that you can make the best decision for you and your family. You can view our selection of Toyota models online or visit Mount Airy Toyota in person to see for yourself. Or, just give us a call to speak with a team member about our end-of-year savings opportunities!

December 7, 2020

The Future of the Toyota Tundra: Expect Great Things


In the world of full-sized pickup trucks, there are a select few with histories of continued durability and power. Among these, the venerated Toyota Tundra has proven itself as a top contender by continually, year after year, supplying pickup truck drivers with something rough and tough, yet also something smooth and modern. What's next for the Toyota Tundra? Recently, Mount Airy Toyota found some interesting information out about what's in store for the Tundra—and the future looks pretty exciting!


Truck drivers shopping for a full-sized pickup usually have a specific reason for such a vehicle. These types of trucks are not for the casual truck driver. They are made to work well under serious conditions and to produce time and again. Full-sized trucks can pull and haul just about anything to anywhere, and right now, the Toyota Tundra is leading the market in big pickups.

Maybe it's because the Tundra handles as well as a smaller truck but packs a lot more power; or, maybe it's because stalwart V-8 engine it comes with—or even the hybrid V6. The truth is, the Tundra leads the pack for a number of reasons, and it's only going to get better.


What's Next For the Tundra?

Toyota likes to keep their information close to the chest, but we were able to glean some exciting news about the next versions of the Toyota Tundra. And even though we do not know exactly when the next generation of Tundras will arrive, we hope to see it this year or next. Production of the next Tundra generation will continue the full-sized truck's title as the oldest full-sized pickup truck on the market.

Though images of the newest version of the truck (the 2021 and the 2022 model versions) usually show the truck drabbed in cloth and stickers and anything that keeps the public from seeing its fresh face and body, a few of the truck's elements were impossible to hide. From what we saw, the grille to the truck is modernized with large horizontal slats that help maintain that rugged, tough feel the Tundra has always had.

The headlights look to be big LEDs, and the tires do not show size but sure look massive! Currently, 20-inch wheels are available on the Tundra, but there is a chance Toyota is wanting to go bigger to provide a more luxurious ride to the Tundra. This would make sense, as the Tundra is in constant competition with other luxury truck brands, such as Ford, RAM, and GM, all of which are going the way of a chunkier tire.

What is really exciting is the rumors of a 3.5-liter twin-turbo V6 hybrid version of the Tundra, which would serve as a perfect competitor to the all-new Ford F-150 PowerBoost.  


Tundra—The V6 Hybrid Version 

It can be difficult to weed through all the anonymous tips leaked about the next generation of Tundras. Not everything shared and read is true, and some information may change over time, but one thing we have heard over and over from reliable sources is that there will be an optional 3.6-liter twin-turbocharged V6 engine that will receive extra power from some sort of electric component. This engine could produce around 450 horsepower and something close to 500 pound-feet of torque.

With the addition of a hybrid model, the Toyota Tundra will change its global truck platform to a code of "F1." This code indicates that a truck has hybrid components that help lower greenhouse gas emissions, something that the execs at Toyota's headquarters have been hinting at considering for some time now. The option of a hybrid full-sized Tundra would be a big move for the brand. Right now there are only two engines offered with the Tundra: a 4.6-liter, V8 that has 310 horsepower and 327 pound-feet of torque; and a 5.7-liter V8 with 381 horsepower and 401 pound-feet of torque. Additionally, the 5.7-liter engine offers E85 flex-fuel capability.

How did Toyota come up with the idea for this type of hybrid engine for the Tundra? Well, as mentioned earlier, Toyota execs have been hinting at the idea for a hybrid Tundra, and apparently, they have had their eyes on the Lexus LS 500, which runs on a very similar type of hybrid engine.

This is good news because car enthusiasts now have a model to base the engine's performance on—and the Lexus LS 500's engine has done quite well. The Lexus sedan uses a 3.5-liter twin-turbo V6 (just like the new Tundra is rumored to have) that offers 416 horsepower and 442 pound-feet of torque. What's interesting is that the LS 500 uses a naturally-aspirated 3.5-liter V6 that makes 295 horsepower and 257 pound-feet of torque completely on its own. The inclusion of the electric motor allows for an additional 177 horsepower and 221 pound-feet of torque, but it does so without drinking up all the vehicle's fuel.

If the new Tundras do indeed come with an optional hybrid engine, swapping what is offered now (a 6-speed automatic for a 10-speed automatic) could offer incredible savings at the gas pump—possibly even up to 30 miles to the gallon.


A Quick Comparison 

No matter what Toyota decides to do with the next generation of Tundras, it is worth looking at what the Tundra has accomplished so far. And what better way to do that than to set the Tundra up, side by side, with another famous contender, the GMC Sierra.

Which is the more reliable, the faster, the longest-lasting, the better truck? The GMC Sierra or the Toyota Tundra? This question is leaving full-sized pickup truck drivers in a bit of a pickle lately, as both trucks have been cited as two of the best in their class.

If you are able to reduce the many full-sized pickup options out there down to the GMC Sierra and Toyota Tundra, you have probably done your research. But, there are a few extra questions you can ask yourself to help make this decision a little easier if you are currently in need of a worthy full-sized truck.  


Question 1: What kind of power do you need? Both trucks are incredibly tough, but they have their differences. With the Tundra you get more speed, as it is capable of going from 0-60 in just 6 seconds! (Hard to believe a big truck can get going that fast, but it's true—the Tundra does it with ease.) There's just no ignoring it, the Tundra moves well for such a large vehicle.

The GMC Sierra, however, has an engine that is able to deliver up to 420 horsepower and 460 pounds-feet of torque, but it doesn't quite have the speed. Since the Tundra already offers almost as much in terms of horsepower and torque, the additional speed takes it over the top for us. Power and speed working together, that's the kind of truck that gets things done.


Question 2: What sort of features do you like best? Both trucks are leaders among their peers in technology, but these features vary between the two. The Tundra comes with Toyota's Entune app suite, which includes Bluetooth, music, and mobile apps. The Tundra also comes standard with a rearview camera and is packed full of safety features and additional technology for those techy truck drivers who are looking for something great for towing and navigating through tuff terrain all-the-while using the most up-to-date technology on the market.

The GMC Sierra comes with the respected IntelliLink system, which allows a wireless 4G LTE hotspot, and can connect up to seven mobile devices. There are options for more technology and safety features, but we found that the Tundra simply offers more.

Whether you are looking to buy now or you plan on waiting to see what the next generation of Toyota Tundras reveals, Mount Airy Toyota is the place to find out everything you need to know. Not only are we up on all the latest gossip about the next Tundras, but we also have a plethora of current Tundra trucks for you to choose from. Come see us today, schedule a test drive, and find that perfect full-sized pickup for you.